{{ items:turretmoduleteslaheavy.png?200}} ====== Tesla Heavy Turret Module Recipe ==== | Internal name | TurretModuleTeslaHeavy_Recipe | | AssetId | cd901062659452b4b99d6555d8c1a707 | | Output | [[items:TurretModuleTeslaHeavy|Tesla Heavy Turret Module]] | ==== Description ==== When deployed, tesla heavy turret automatically shoots at multiple targets at medium range. It draws energy from your drillship to generate ammo. It can also destroy an unlimited number of incoming slow projectiles (grenades, mortar shots, rockets). ==== Items That Need to Be Found to Unlock ==== Finding any listed item triggers the unlock.\\ Some of these might be schematics you can research instead. * [[items:UpgradeAdvancedResearch|Schematic advanced research]] ==== Required Schematics ==== ==== Required Items [Quantity] ==== * [[items:TitaniumTubes|Titan tubes]] [5] * [[items:TitaniumPlates|Titan plates]] [3] * [[items:CopperWire|Copper wire]] [3] ==== Can Be Crafted In ==== * [[items:HubProduction|Hub production]] * [[items:ProductionStation|Production station]] * [[items:ProductionStationWide|Station Wide Production]] ==== Crafting Categories ==== * ProductionTier2 For Volcanoids v1.32.233.0