{{ items:crystalingot.png?200}} ====== Crystal Recipe ==== | Internal name | ProductionModuleT2ScrapRecipe | | AssetId | 43828afa45c5a5a4cba652e43c4b84ba | | Output | [[items:CrystalIngot|Crystal]] | ==== Description ==== Used in production to make more complex devices. ==== Items That Need to Be Found to Unlock ==== Finding any listed item triggers the unlock.\\ Some of these might be schematics you can research instead. * [[items:ProductionModuleT2|Production Module Tier 2]] * [[items:UpgradeBasicProduction|Schematic basic production]] ==== Required Schematics ==== ==== Required Items [Quantity] ==== * [[items:ProductionModuleT2|Production Module Tier 2]] [1] ==== Can Be Crafted In ==== * [[items:HubScrap|Hub scrap]] * [[items:ScrapStation|Scrap station]] * [[items:ScrapStationWide|Station Wide Scrap]] ==== Crafting Categories ==== * ScrapTier2 For Volcanoids v1.32.233.0