{{ items:controllerlargesystem.png?200}} ====== Controller System Medium Recipe ==== | Internal name | ControllerLargeSystemRecipe | | AssetId | c63a6f8c29dd5bd499b2a1c89cf800f4 | | Output | [[items:ControllerLargeSystem|Controller System Medium]] | ==== Description ==== Remote access to modules of three groups. Pull levers to open +1, close -1, open all or use valve to close all modules in a module group. The System controller holds controls for power plants, storage and turret modules. Includes stand and large mount options. Use the mouse wheel to choose. ==== Items That Need to Be Found to Unlock ==== Finding any listed item triggers the unlock.\\ Some of these might be schematics you can research instead. * [[items:AdvancedControlSchematic|Advanced control schematic]] ==== Required Schematics ==== * [[items:UpgradeStarterProduction|Schematic starter production]] ==== Required Items [Quantity] ==== * [[items:Levers|Copper Levers]] [1] * [[items:CopperBolts|Copper bolts]] [2] * [[items:CopperPlates|Copper plates]] [3] ==== Can Be Crafted In ==== * [[items:HubProduction|Hub production]] * [[items:ProductionStation|Production station]] * [[items:ProductionStationWide|Station Wide Production]] ==== Crafting Categories ==== * ProductionTier0 For Volcanoids v1.33.386.0